Thursday, July 23, 2009

Three cards to make before Sunday....

I really must get busy. I have an Anniversary card, a housewarming card, and a birthday card to create this weekend. The Anniversary card should really be done this evening so that I can send it off tomorrow in the mail. The other two I need for Sunday, since I will be delivering them in person.

I have an idea for the housewarming card already, and am going to work on it over my lunch hour today, using some black ink and my watercolours.... I know that once I begin this process at noon, the creativity will build and I will probably end up making all the cards this evening. I am looking forward to it and will post the completed cards on my facebook page when they are done. I do need to add one card to that page that I did a couple of weeks ago.

It is so hard for me to design cards that are suitable for men, but still look really cool, but I do think that I have managed to do that a few times.

Will go for now, but will post again tomorrow.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Time to get creative again.....

I seem to procrastinate until I really NEED to make a card.....then I can usually pull off a good one or two, but I think that it really is time to use some of the new products that I have.

Aside from the briefcase full of cool papers that I picked up at Costco on Easter Sunday, I have since acquired several new sets of acrylic stamps, some fine tip glitter glues in gold and platinum, and some fine tip purple ink. The brush on this is like a fine eye liner brush so you can really control the application and can have very fine lines or fill in very small spaces.

Inspiration is coming, along with a few birthdays that are screaming for cards......

I have been doing some water colour filling in of stamped images over my lunch hours at work, when I am not out and about with friends having a visit, so I do have lots of bits and pieces all ready to go.

I also have been following "LaFemmePapier" and am eager to try an altered book. I absolutely love mysteries, so the next time I am at Goodwill or my favorite used book store, I will be keeping my eyes open for a suitable book, as well as any other little goodies to add to it.

bye for now...lets go be Creative!